University of Alabama
The psychology-law concentration embraces the Department of Psychology’s and the Clinical Training Program’s goal of developing scientist-practitioners who can apply research and intervention skills to the understanding, prevention, and treatment of human behavioral problems. The training model emphasizes core knowledge in the social, cognitive, developmental, and biological domains of behavior as well as the methodological foundations necessary to scientific advancement. All clinical students take core courses in assessment and intervention as well as supervised practicum. Coursework, basic practicum, specialty practicum, and research requirements are usually completed in four to five years, followed by a required one-year clinical internship. There are three core faculty in the psychology-law concentration. Senior faculty, Dr. Stanley Brodsky and Dr. Carl Clements, have been contributors to the field for more than 30 years through teaching, providing consultation and direct service, conducting research, writing, and involvement in professional activities. The University’s continuing commitment to training in this field is evidenced by the recent addition to the faculty of Dr. Patricia Zapf whose research and teaching focuses on risk assessment, criminal and civil competencies, and mentally disordered offenders. Research and training opportunities in the psychology-law area are further enriched by the availability of other faculty with related interests and experience (see list below).
The Department of Psychology has a long history of research and outreach activities that address issues of public policy, especially in the areas of children, mental health, violence, and offenders. In the early 1970’s, the department established the first national Center for Correctional Psychology, which was funded, in part, by the U.S. Department of Justice. Since that time, UA’s Psychology-Law concentration has prepared doctoral psychologists for productive careers as faculty, researchers, and practitioners in mental health, corrections and forensic psychology. The Psychology-Law concentration provides a focused experience for the individual interested in the study of clinical psychology in forensic (court), correctional, and public safety settings. All students in the psychology-law specialization are trained foremost to be clinicians and scholars through the general clinical curriculum. This knowledge is supplemented with the psychology-law courses including: Topical Psychology/Law Seminars; Correctional Psychology; Forensic Psychology; Criminal Forensic Assessment; Police Psychology; Practicum in a Justice setting; and other special topics. Colloquium speakers and forensic consultants also contribute to the program. Psychology-Law Seminar The psychology-law seminar is a weekly, one hour seminar for the psychology-law students and faculty. Topics and format vary from semester to semester.
Topics have included: The Assessment of Competencies; Delinquency Prevention and Treatment; Victims and Offenders; Custody Decisions; Consultation in Forensic Settings; and Psychology and Law as portrayed in the media. The seminar utilizes student presentations, faculty presentations, guest speakers, and discussions. Specialized Training Placements The Department and the Clinic have a close working relationship with several justice-related institutions located in or near Tuscaloosa. The Taylor Hardin Security Medical Facility provides experience in Competency to Stand Trial and NGRI Assessment, and in treatment in the forensic setting. Placements in adult correctional institutions and juvenile programs have also been available. Opportunities also exist for working with pretrial offenders in local jails and within a University-based Legal Advocacy Center which represents the mentally ill and the developmentally disabled.
A network of other clinical settings is available to all students in the clinical program. Prior to graduation, doctoral students complete a one-year full-time internship in an accredited setting. In the recent past, students in the psychology-law concentration have selected forensic hospitals, federal prisons, and state and private psychiatric settings for their predoctoral internships. Career Opportunities Graduates with a concentration in psychology-law have gone on to academic, research, and clinical careers in a variety of public and private settings, including universities. Their professional roles include court and mental health agancies, and research and private practice settings. Graduates are not limited to any one area because all clinical doctoral students receive broad training allowing them to pursue a diversity of career opportunities. Application to the Psychology-Law Concentration Each year, the admissions committee selects 2 to 3 students from approximately 80 applicants to the Psychology-Law concentration program. These students typically present outstanding undergraduate records, high GRE scores, and often research involvement and a range of volunteer or paid working experiences with clinical populations. The department has a long history of offering financial support to entering graduate students. Applications are made to the Graduate School, which receives and monitors applications for graduate study.
Applicants should indicate their intent to apply to the Clinical Psychology program and should also indicate their interest in the Psychology-Law concentration in the specialty space in the application form. A detailed statement of interests and relevant qualifications is also required.
University of Arizona
The relationship between psychology, policy and law has assumed substantial importance in our society. Psychological knowledge is considered in developing and evaluating numerous laws and policies dealing with topics ranging from child maltreatment to the use of science in the courtroom. The need for this information is not surprising when we consider that federal and state legislatures, courts, and administrative agencies create laws that are based upon psychological assumptions about how people act, how their actions can be controlled, whether state intervention is desirable, and how laws should be structured to achieve its goals. These issues are no longer bounded by our national borders. The concerns we express in the United States are equally prevalent in other countries and require the same level of scrutiny. Conversely, psychology, policy and law scholarship increasingly seeks to understand the roles of law in society, and the importance of law to individuals and to society. Although lawyers and policymakers are well equipped to draft the legal language, they typically are ill prepared to address these issues (e.g., identifying and assessing the validity of these psychological assumptions). The Psychology, Policy and Law Program (PPLP) trains scholars interested in academic, research, or policy careers who will produce conceptually, theoretically, and methodologically sophisticated scholarship in the psychology, policy and law interface. The Department of Psychology in cooperation with the College of Law offers graduate training in this area leading to the Ph.D. degree, the J.D. – Ph.D. as concurrent degrees, or post-doctoral training. Students pursuing the Ph.D. or Ph.D. – J.D. combined degrees may apply to major jointly in PPLP and any other program within the Department of Psychology (Clinical Psychology; Social Psychology; Ethology and Evolutionary Psychology; Cognition and Neural Systems; Cognitive Psychology). Finally, opportunities exist for visiting scholars to spend time in residence working with PPLP faculty. Once admitted to PPLP, students have the opportunity for intensive study in many of the subareas that comprise psychology, policy and law scholarship (see PPLP Courses).
Students are not limited to focusing on one area or topic. Rather, we encourage students to identify their own career interests and goals, and we as a faculty strive to help them achieve these goals. Current faculty research interests include: Effects of Law and Legal Processes: Psychological research and scholarship can be used to study the effects of law on legal actors, litigants, and society. For example, under what conditions will the legal system create or exacerbate psychological distress, and how should legal systems and legal processes be modified to minimize that distress? What effects do the legal processing and forced treatment of juveniles have on their future behavior? What are the causal mechanisms for explaining the high rate of lawyers who clinically screen for psychological distress, and what are the potential implications for legal services? Forensic Science and Practice: The law and legal policy assign to mental health professionals a prominent role in aiding in the administration of criminal and civil law. These individuals are regularly asked to provide forensic assessments and testimony, and to treat, and intervene with, persons involved in legal systems. Yet, what does psychological science, and ‘best’ professional practices, have to say about what services these mental health professionals ought to be offering? For example, what is the adequacy of the various forensic assessment techniques? What treatments and interventions should legal systems provide to offenders with special needs (e.g., violent sexual offenders)? How should laws be modified to minimize their adverse effects on persons who become involved in legal processes? Students interested in these issues are encouraged to apply for joint admission to The Clinical Psychology Program. Improving the Law, Legal Systems and Legal Processes: We know that in some cases, there are schisms between goals for particular legal policies and their manifestation in written law, and between the ‘law on the books’ (written law) and ‘law in action’ (implementation of the law). Research in this area covers a broad array of topics that focus on understanding and improving all aspects of the law, legal systems and legal processes.
For example, why don’t juries understand a significant portion of most jury instructions in trials and how can we ameliorate this problem? What is the quality of the psychological information that is offered as scientific evidence in litigation, and how should the courts modify their rules to account for differing levels of rigor in scientific and clinical information? Under what conditions should mediation and other alternative dispute resolution (ADR) processes be used as alternatives to litigation? Life Span Development and Social Policy: Psychological science and knowledge offers an important tool to examine and reform the influence of laws and policies on individuals’ psychosocial lifespan development. Examples of this focus include the intersection of the law, human rights, and individuals’ everyday lives; protection of children from harm; regulation of sexual development; the effect of educational policy on social development; and how social policy affects cultural diversity. Violent and Criminal Behavior: Psychology has an important role in studying the causes and consequences of juvenile and adult violence and crime in familial and other settings. Examples of this focus include the description, explanation and prediction of such behaviors; the development of treatments and interventions to modify these behaviors; the consequences for victims of violent and criminal encounters; and the effectiveness of legal policies for responding to offenders and victims. Students interested in these issues are encouraged to apply for joint admission to The Clinical Psychology Program. These areas of research and expertise directly apply to and transcend many of the traditional legal and policy areas of scholarship, and provide a rich opportunity for student study and growth as a scholar: Alternative Dispute Resolution Law and Policy, Civil Rights Law and Policy, Comparative Law and Policy, Constitutional Law, Criminal Law and Policy, Disability Law and Policy, Education Law and Policy, Evidence Law, Family Law and Policy, Human Rights Law and Policy, International Law and Policy, Juvenile Law and Policy, Litigation and Trial Advocacy, and Mental Health Law and Policy.
Alliant International University
The School of Social and Policy Studies (SSPS) focuses on the understanding of the effects of social systems, communities, and cultures on human behavior. The mission of the School is to prepare professionals to deal with the complex social issues affecting the well-being of individuals, families, communities, organizations, and nations and to develop theories, methods, applications, and policy initiatives that address these issues. DEGREE PROGRAMS School of Social and Policy Studies programs differ from campus to campus, as follows: At the Fresno campus: PsyD in Forensic Psychology (applied forensic track) PhD in Forensic Psychology (students choose from two tracks: criminal justice administration and management, or law and public policy) At the Los Angeles campus: PsyD in Forensic Psychology (applied forensic track) At the San Diego campus: PsyD in Culture and Human Behavior (Offers two emphasis areas: diversity training and technology or international psychology) CREDIT FOR PREVIOUS GRADUATE WORK For applicants to programs in the School of Social and Policy Studies, a maximum of 30 units of graduate level transfer credit are allowed, if the credits were earned as part of a master’s degree in psychology, criminology, law, or other related field. These credits must have been completed with a minimum grade of “B” or better and must be from an accredited institution.
No transfer credit will be allowed for courses that were taken more than five years earlier. Transfer credits allowed in the School of Social and Policy Studies may reduce the number of units a student must complete in order to obtain the degree. Regardless of the number of transfer units allowed, a student must complete any and all requirements remaining in the core/track program for which transfer credit was not allowed. All courses for potential transfer credit will be considered on a case-by-case review basis. Due to the interdisciplinary nature of the program, the review will focus on how well this interdisciplinary character was developed in the course(s) proposed for transfer credit. Transfer credit cannot be considered without appropriate catalog course descriptions and/or course outlines or syllabi. Back to Top Joint MOB/Forensic Doctoral Program Students interested in pursuing a joint Master’s of Organizational Behavior (MOB) degree with their forensic doctoral degree may do so at the Fresno campus. The MOB is a 30 unit program in the College of Organizational Studies, consisting of 17 units of core organizational psychology curriculum.
Students in this program also complete 13 elective units consisting of any combination of 1/2 unit colloquia, independent studies, practicum internships, professional workshops, and advanced seminars. No research project or thesis is required. The MOB degree can be completed in 12 to 18 months, after which students can matriculate into either the PsyD program or the PhD program. This dual program may also be completed concurrently. For more information, please contact the campus admissions office. Joint MOB/Forensic Doctoral Program Core Curriculum Business Fundamentals (3-6 units) Ethnocultural Issues in Organizations (2 units) Action Research (2 units) Personnel/HRM (3 units) Professional Ethics in Organizations (2 units) Current Issues in Organizational Behavior (2 units) Organizational Development Skills/Consultation (2 units) Transitions in Organizations (1 unit) Total required core units 17 Electives Practicum/Internship Independent Study Professional Workshops Advanced Seminars Colloquia Series Total required elective units 13 Institute of Psychology, Law, and Public Policy Alliant International University’s forensic psychology programs are part of the of Alliant International University Institute of Psychology, Law and Public Policy. The institute is in a unique position to provide training and services because of the breadth of its activities: it offers specialized services and is in touch with critical current public and criminal justice system needs. Thus, the institute can ensure that student training and competencies will meet the current critical needs of the employment marketplace. In addition, students gain excellent experience while contributing directly to community needs.
The institute will offer a full range of programs and services: forensic services to the legal and professional communities, including forensic clinical evaluations and demonstration projects academic training to those seeking doctoral level professional education professional training to those needing respecialization or to those who need skills or competency in certain areas applied research for the community of public agencies on violence prevention, legal decision making and analysis of mental health law and policy public policy consultation and review to government bodies or legislative analysts on the impact of current or proposed policies Back to Top THE DOCTORAL PROGRAM IN CULTURE AND HUMAN BEHAVIOR AT THE SAN DIEGO CAMPUS Modern society is challenged by demographic changes and an emerging global community. Psychologists are needed to work with increasing numbers of refugees and immigrants, to manage greater diversity in the workplace, and to wrestle with such international issue as global unrest and the lingering effects of oppression. Few professionals understand the psychological bases of intercultural relations.
A growing need for cultural psychologists was evidenced in the international arena in the recent reconciliation efforts in South Africa, China, and the United States. The national and international focus on developing initiatives to promote diversity in the work place is another example. An increased number of psychologists with intercultural relations expertise is needed to assist these organizations and others. Culture and Human Behavior program graduates will be among an elite group of competent and highly skilled professionals in a growth area of high need. Through the program coursework, practicum experiences, project, and dissertation, students will develop skills and competencies to be able to: design and develop training systems manage a diverse organization conduct human relations workshops and consultations conduct an organizational assessment and analysis facilitate intercultural collaboration and conflict resolution work effectively with people of different cultural and ethnic backgrounds teach college-level multicultural courses develop and implement organizational intervention strategies to promote equity plan, develop, implement, and assess diversity and inclusion initiatives. Areas of Study The program focuses on the cultural bases of human behavior. Psychology, sociology, and anthropology are combined in an interdisciplinary training model. Particular emphasis is on bridging cultural theory with the practical realities of everyday contexts of learning and thinking. This broad-based program involves educational experiences that incorporate personal growth, scholarly research, and internship. Applicants can choose to study in the general curriculum or select one of two emphasis areas: diversity training and training technology or international psychology. Graduates will have general expertise in applying cultural psychology principles in research, program evaluation, diversity and inclusion training, consulting, group facilitation, organizational assessment, instructional technology, strategic change planning, and organizational development. Culture and
Human Behavior Curriculum Students take a combination of cultural psychology and organizational psychology courses. The mix of courses provides training from a systems perspective. The full program involves four years of study, and may be completed in approximately three years by those with sufficient credit for previous graduate level course work. The amount of time it takes an individual to complete the program depends on a number of factors, including course load, external responsibilities, and research-based thesis writing experience. A personal growth requirement provides students with first-hand experience in community building. Students work together with their cohort from the day they being the program. The broad range of students’ ethnic, racial, and international composition offers a rich and unique experience. The first year personal growth requirement focuses on awareness. Second year students focus on cultural psychology theory, third year students focus on skill building, and fourth year students focus on leadership development. Internship placements include community agencies, businesses, governmental agencies and educational settings.
Doctoral Program Requirements PsyD in Culture and Human Behavior (For Students Entering in 2000-2001) First Year Fall Semester I500a Advanced Statistics I (3 units) or I503 Scientific Foundation: Statistics (4 units) C577 Community Psychology I (3 units) P105 Personal Growth: Awareness (2 units) T581 Organizational Behavior (3 units) Post Session Hxxx Humanities Elective (2 units) Spring Semester T721b Pro-Seminar: Social Psychology (3 units) or T725 Advanced Social Psychology: I-O (3 units) C578 Community Psychology II (3 units) P105 Personal Growth: Awareness (2 units) C460 Multicultural Competency Development (3 units) C830 Research Methods in Cultural Psychology (3 units) Second Year Fall Semester C825 Cultural Diversity in the Workplace (3 units) T820 Ethnic Psychology Elective (3 units) T698 Advanced Developmental Psychology (3 units) C590 Cultural Seminar: Psychology of Women (3 units) P205 Personal Growth: Knowledge (3 units) Spring Semester T802 OPAS: Multiculturalism in Organizations (3 units) C465 Cultural Aspects of Health Psychology (3 units) I218 Qualitative Methods of Research (3 units) T620 Culture and Education: Theory and Practice (3 units) P205 Personal Growth: Knowledge (3 units) I808 CHB Dissertation Design (2 units) Third Year Fall Semester T820 Ethnic Psychology Elective (3 units) F810 Field Placement: CHB (2 units) F815 CHB Consultation Group (2 units) I808 CHB Dissertation Design (2 units) I810 Evaluation of Programs (3 units) or T802 OPAS: Program Evaluation (3 units) P305 Personal Growth: Skills (3 units) Spring Semester T820 Ethnic Psychology Elective (3 units) F810 Field Placement: CHB (2 units) F815 CHB Consultation Group (2 units) I808 CHB Dissertation Design (2 units) C544 Psychology of Ethnic Diversity (3 units) P305 Personal Growth: Skills (3 units) Fourth Year Fall Semester P405 Personal Growth: Leadership (3 units) F810 Field Placement: CHB (2 units) F815 CHB Consultation Group (2 units) I808 CHB Dissertation Design (2 units) Hxxx Humanities Elective (2 units) Xxxx General Elective or Ethnic Psychology Elective* Spring Semester P405 Personal Growth: Leadership (3 units) F810 Field Placement: CHB (2 units) F815 CHB Consultation Group (2 units) I808 CHB Dissertation Design (2 units) T802 OPAS: Conflict Management (3 units) *Students have the option of taking one of the following clinical psychology courses as an elective or one of the four ethnic psychology electives: T721a Pro Seminar: Cognition/Emotion (3 units) T721c Pro Seminar: Physiological Psychology (2 units) T5xx Theories of Personality (3 units) T801 Advanced Psychopathology (3 units) P516 Foundations of Assessment: Intelligence Testing (including Lab, 4 units) P820 Psychopharmacology (2 units) Ethnic Psychology Electives: Psychology of African Americans Psychology of Latino/Hispanic Americans Psychology of Asian Americans Psychology of Native Americans Psychology of Women
Castleton State College
FOCUS OF THE PROGRAM Forensic Psychology refers broadly to the production and application of psychological knowledge to the civil and criminal justice systems. It includes such areas as police psychology, psychology of crime and behavior, correctional psychology (including institutional and community corrections), psychology and law, victim services, and the delivery and evaluation of intervention and treatment programs for juvenile and adult offenders. The Master’s Program in Forensic Psychology at Castleton focuses on four major areas: (1) Police Psychology (2) Correctional Psychology (3) Psychology and Law (4) Criminal Behavior RESEARCH ORIENTATION The program is a research-based Master of Arts designed to prepare students for careers in the various organizations and agencies of the criminal and civil justice systems. Students graduating from the program should be able to analyze, interpret, organize, apply, and transmit existing knowledge in the field of forensic psychology. The overall mission of the forensic psychology program is to educate students to be highly knowledgeable about he various methodologies and statistical analyses critical in conducting well-designed research. The Castleton State College Psychology Department is currently the home of the professional periodical Criminal Justice and Behavior, an international journal that publishes cutting-edge research in forensic psychology. Graduate students may have considerable opportunity to participate in the scholarly and editorial process of the journal.The program will not provide training in mental health services, such as counseling, psychotherapy, clinical examinations, or independent clinical practice.
GOALS AND OBJECTIVES The goals of the program are to provide students with: (1) a comprehensive knowledge of the criminal and civil justice systems; (2) the research skills necessary to evaluate various issues and programs within these systems; and (3) the communication skills necessary to express their findings effectively to diverse groups within the systems. Objectives of the program are to prepare graduates, depending on the areas they choose to emphasize within the program, to complete such tasks as the following: Evaluate the effectiveness of preschool intervention strategies designed to prevent violent behavior during adolescence; Develop a behavioral profile in helping to identify a serial rapist for a law enforcement agency; Help police departments determine optimal shift schedules for their employees; Establish reliable and valid screening procedures for correctional officer positions at correctional facilities, or for law enforcement officer positions at various police and sheriff departments; Assist attorneys in jury selection through community surveys and other research methods; Evaluate the effectiveness of a variety of existing programs for juvenile and adult offenders, such as victim-offender reconciliation programs, teen courts, or health education programs; Consult with attorneys and the courts concerning custody decisions, conflict resolution, and the validity of assessment procedures used in the evaluation of various psychological conditions; Consult with legislators and governmental agencies as research policy advisers. The program will also prepare students for acceptance into doctorate programs in psychology, criminal justice, and political science.
THE CURRICULUM All matriculants in the M.A. Program in Forensic Psychology are required to complete 45 credits, including the following courses: Psy 601: Introduction to Forensic Psychology 3 cr Psy 603: Seminar: Psychology of Criminal Behavior 3 cr Psy 605: Seminar: Legal Psychology 3 cr Psy 607: Research Design and Methodology I 4 cr Psy 608: Research Design and Methodology II 4 cr Psy 611: Psychometrics and Assessment 3 cr Psy 623: Applied Multivariate Methods of Analysis 3 cr Psy 693: Master’s Thesis: Preparation 3 cr Psy 694: Master’s Thesis: Completion 3 cr CRJ 501: Proseminar in Criminal Justice 3 cr The Masters will normally require two years of full-time study. All students are expected to participate in the program on a full-time basis.
THE MASTER’S THESIS Before starting on the thesis, each student in the forensic psychology graduate program must select a committee to supervise and evaluate the thesis project. The coordinator of the graduate program in forensic psychology and the student’s advisor will be available to assist in the selection of this committee, which must be approved by the program coordinator. I. The Project The project must be researched based. Each project must demonstrate the student’s ability to: Locate and review relevant literature, write cogently about key conceptual issues, and critically evaluate previously published work; Design and conduct original research; Conduct appropriate statistical analysis of relevant data; Communicate hypotheses, research methods, analyses, results and implications of the research project in written as well as oral format. The final thesis manuscript submitted to the thesis committee should be of a quality that would merit submission to a scholarly journal in the appropriate field. Students will be encouraged to engage in the submission process. II. The Thesis Committee The selected committee must meet the following criteria: The committee will consist of at least two and no more than four members. One member will serve as the chair of the committee and will be responsible for supervision of the thesis. This person must be a full-time faculty member in the student’s department.
The committee will consist of one or three other members, whose purpose will be to serve as readers of the proposal and final submission of the master’s thesis. At least one of the readers must be from an academic department either at Castleton or at another college or university. Part-time Castleton faculty may serve on the committee. Individuals who are not members of the Castleton academic community may serve on the committee (e.g., police officers, school officials and personnel, judges, prison officials, police academy personnel). All community members must be familar with or have expertise in the topic of the thesis. Each student must confer with the chair of the committee prior to the selection of readers to assure that this criterion is being met. III. Completion of the Master’s Thesis Completion of the master’s thesis will proceed in five basic steps: 1) Selection of a committee chair. 2) Selection of committee members. 3) Submission of a formal written research proposal to committee for approval. It is required that the student present an oral defense of the proposal to the committee. 4) Once the committee approves the proposal, the second part of the thesis sequence requires the student to conduct original research on the chosen topic, to apply appropriate statistical analyses to the data, to defend the project to the satisfaction of the thesis committee, and to communicate the hypothesis, research methods, analyses, results, and implications of the research project in written format. The manuscript must adhere to the Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association (4th edition). The final project should be of publishable quality and should make a substantial contribution to the research literature. 5) After the thesis is defended to the satisfaction of the thesis committee, all members of the committee will sign their approval on the signature sheet. The signature sheet will be placed after the title page of the original document. Note: Specific instructions for submission of the thesis are on file in the Psychology Department library.
ADMISSION REQUIREMENTS Baccalaureate degree or the equivalent from an accredited academic institution at the time of admission. Demonstrated record of scholarly achievement at the undergraduate level (3.5 G.P.A. on 4-point scale). At least one research methodology course and at least one statistics course. Graduate Record Exam (GRE) Aptitude Test (results of the subject test in psychology may also be submitted.) Autobiographical sketch and a short essay on career goals. Three letters of recommendation. It is recommended that students have previous research experience beyond the minimum course work. Presentations at undergraduate or professional conferences and publications will be highly regarded in admission decisions.
City University of New York
Although there is no formal law-psychology program in CUNY, it is possible to obtain MA and PhD degrees in psychology through a number of CUNY colleges and the Graduate Center–with training in law and psychology and MA and PhD degrees in criminal justice–with an emphasis in psychology at John Jay College.
University of Denver
The Master of Arts in forensic psychology was first offered at the GSPP in 1999 in response to the growing interest in the rapidly developing field of forensic psychology. The degree supplements fundamental master’s level clinical psychology training with course work and practicum experiences in the area of psychology and law. The Masters Degree in forensic psychology concerns the application of psychological theory, knowledge, skills and competencies to the civil and criminal justice systems. It is designed to train students to become mental health professionals, able to work in a variety of clinical settings within the criminal and civil legal system, including but not limited to: adult, juvenile and child populations; victim assistance; police consultation; correctional institutions; domestic violence and child abuse programs; and trial consulting.
Florida International University
The Department of Psychology offers a Doctor of Philosophy degree in Psychology with an emphasis on Legal Psychology. The Legal Psychology program focuses on such issues as jury decision-making, jury selection, witness memory, alternative dispute resolution, and forensic psychology. The Legal Psychology program capitalizes on Florida International University’s location in the major litigation center of the Southeast United States. Legal Psychology is a young and growing field with enormous potential (see the August 1995 APA Monitor story on the National Invitational Conference on Education and Training in Law and Psychology).
FIU is one of the few universities in the world with a doctoral concentration in legal psychology, and it is already well-respected in psychology-law circles. Students complete a series of courses designed to provide a thorough understanding of psychological theory and methodology as well as applied and basic research in psychology. Graduates of the program are required to demonstrate mastery of legal psychology, statistics and methodology, and a traditional area of psychological study (e.g., cognitive, social). Students also obtain significant field experience in the legal system by participating in applied research, assisting trial consultants, and through other formal training experiences. Students are expected to maintain full-time status in the program by taking at least 9 credits during both Fall and Spring semesters. The Legal Psychology program is designed to teach students how to conduct research on psycholegal issues. Therefore, students are expected to participate in research throughout their graduate studies. Students will conduct this research under the supervision of one or more faculty members. Students are involved in all aspects of the research enterprise, including the development of hypotheses, preparation of research materials, data collection, data analysis, interpretation of results, presentation of the results at professional conferences, and preparation of manuscripts for publication. Students work closely with faculty and other students to achieve these goals. Students also have access to a variety of research facilities including academic computer facilities, two libraries, psychology laboratories, and video equipment. A full-time commitment to the program requires that students be actively engaged in research during both the academic year and the summer.
University of Illinois at Chicago
The UIC Department of Psychology offers a Minor in Psychology and Law, allowing graduate students an opportunity to develop an expertise in psychology and law through research and coursework. Students at UIC can receive a Ph.D. in Community and Prevention Research, Social Psychology, Clinical Psychology, Cognitive Psychology, or Biopsychology. In each case, they can minor in Psychology and Law (no free-standing master’s degree is offered). The psychology department offers students training in the theories and methods of psychology and in the application of psychological research to legal issues. Through coursework and training in research, students become well grounded in psychological theory and methodology and develop an appreciation for the legal system in which they will conduct research and/or work. The University of Illinois at Chicago is located in a multicultural urban environment offering exceptional opportunities for research in both laboratory and field settings. Students learn to conduct research on numerous topics relevant to psychology and law. Some of these topics, represented in the research programs of our core and affiliated faculty, include: child abuse and children’s testimony (Bette L. Bottoms); jury and juror decision making (Bette L. Bottoms); procedural and distributive justice and attitudes about social policies (Linda Skitka); sexual harassment and gender discrimination (Stephanie Riger); domestic violence and violence against women (Rebecca Campbell, Stephanie Riger, and Sarah Ullman); and delinquency and anti-social behavior (Patrick Tolan and Michael Fendrich). In designing our approach to education in psychology and law at the University of Illinois at Chicago, we have addressed what we believe is the critical issue in graduate training in Psychology and Law: producing students who are well-grounded in psychological theory and methodology, who have an appreciation for the legal system in which they will work and/or conduct research. UIC Psychology and Law Graduates Can Expect to Work as: researchers and teachers in academic settings researchers in community-based settings researchers and analysts in private and governmental organizations
Marymount University
The Forensic Psychology program provides graduates with the skills and knowledge they need to provide effective, high quality services in a variety of forensic settings. These include probation and parole, victim assistance, law enforcement, evaluation, and testimony in civil and criminal matters. To accomplish this goal, the program balances traditional psychological knowledge and skills with a specialized understanding of the criminal justice and legal systems. Course Syllabus PS 500 – Research and Evaluation PS 501 – Bases of Psychopathology PS 507 – Applied Social Psychology PS 517 – Neuropsychological Issues, Treatments & Assessments PS 519 – Personality Theories PS 581 – Psychology and the Law PS 582 – Psychological Evaluation, Consultation & Testimony in the Legal System PS 585 – Forensic Assessment PS 584 – Psychology of Criminal Behavior OR SOC 507 Sociology of Juvenile Justice PS 599 – Internship ELECTIVE (6 credits) – Choose from: CJ 501 – Victims of Interpersonal Violence PS 508 – Crisis Intervention PS 509 – Substance Abuse Assessment & Intervention PS 515 – Techniques for Behavior Diagnosis & Intervention PS 518 – Applied Learning and Cognition PS 529 – Psychopathology of Childhood and Adolescence PS 551 – Psychology of Cultural Differences PS 583 – Psychology and Treatment of the Juvenile Offender
MCP Hahnemann University/Villanova Law School University
In cooperation with Hahnemann University of Health Sciences in Center City Philadelphia, the School of Law offers an integrated program in law and psychology leading to a J.D. from Villanova and a Ph.D. in clinical psychology from Hahnemann. The program is the only one in the country with a Ph.D. emphasis in clinical psychology. The conceptually unified program prepares professionals with a mature understanding of the interaction between the two disciplines. The program has three purposes: first, to produce lawyer-professionals who can participate in mental health policy development in the legislature and in the courts; second, to develop scientists-practitioners who will produce legally sophisticated research to aid the legal system in making better, more empirically based decisions; and third, to educate clinicians who can contribute to the advancement of forensic psychology in areas such as criminal law, domestic relations and civil commitment. Students take courses in both institutions each year, but the emphasis in the first year is on law, and in the second year, on psychology. Time is evenly divided in subsequent years. The program takes seven years to complete, including a year’s internship in a clinical/forensic setting and at least one summer in a legal setting. The J.D. is awarded at the end of the sixth year.
University of Nebraska
Under the dual sponsorship of the Department of Psychology and the College of Law, the Law/Psychology Program at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln has been recognized since its inception in 1974 as a leading program in training scholars who are engaged in basic and applied research and writing on psycho-social issues and problems related to the law. The Program is the world’s oldest, on-going integrated program in psycholegal studies. It remains unusual in the breadth of potential training. Students may specialize in virtually any area of psycholegal studies, with one, important exception. The Program does not offer training in the forensic/behavioral sciences designed to lead to careers with the FBI, the Secret Service, or other, similar law enforcement agencies. The Law/Psychology Program offers interdisciplinary training in psychology and law. The Program specializes in training scholars who will be able to apply psychology and other social and behavioral sciences to analyses of empirical questions in law and policy. The Law/Psychology Program trains researchers and professionals to identify and evaluate the psychological assumptions underlying laws and court decisions and to apply their psycho-legal expertise to improve understanding of the operation of law in society.
Graduates of the Program are primarily trained to work in universities, research or public interest organizations, or in local, state or federal government. Law/psychology students may focus their studies in traditionally important psycholegal areas such as jury behavior, eyewitness identification, children’s decision making, domestic violence, criminal responsibility, juvenile justice, the admissibility of scientific evidence in litigation, and so on. They also may focus on less-studied topics, such as tax compliance, altruistic behavior, child support, death penalty issues, mental health and health care policy issues, and grandparents’ rights. Except for forensic students (for whom the J.D./Ph.D. combination is generally discouraged due to the length of time required to complete both degrees), students may choose from the following combination of degrees in both law and psychology: J.D./Ph.D., Ph.D./M.L.S., or J.D./M.A. The Program is primarily research oriented and graduates are trained to work in universities, in research and public interest organizations or in consulting organizations. Some graduates (especially those in the J.D./M.A. track) do pursue more applied or practice-oriented careers. Of particular interest is the specialization in Mental Health and Justice Systems Research. (Formerly, this was the Mental Health Policy and Administration specialty.) The goal of this track is to produce psychologists (Ph.D./M.L.S.) and lawyer-psychologists (J.D./Ph.D.) who have expertise in both legal and psychological research on issues relevant to the interaction between the mental health and justice systems. Students will receive training in a variety of conceptual frameworks including, for example, Therapeutic Jurisprudence, a perspective that views the law as potentially therapeutic and champions effective service delivery when the mental health and justice systems intersect. Pending continued approval, students in this track are eligible for support from an NIMH training grant.
Pacific Graduate School of Psychology
We are pleased to announce the fifth year of our Joint J.D.-Ph.D. Program in Psychology and the Law. This program, the first on the west coast, is a collaboration of the Pacific Graduate School of Psychology and Golden Gate University School of Law. We are now accepting applications. This is an integrated program in both psychology and the law, leading to a Ph.D. degree in Clinical Psychology from the Pacific Graduate School of Psychology (PGSP) and a Juris Doctor degree from Golden Gate University School of Law (GGUSL). PGSP is accredited by the American Psychological Association, and GGUSL is accredited by the American Bar Association. We expect students who complete the joint degree program to make significant contributions in the areas of forensic psychology, the practice of law related to mental health issues, litigation consultation, university teaching, research, and advancing public policy. It is important to note that students must be eligible for admission to both the doctoral training program in clinical psychology at PGSP and to the law program at GGUSL. Thus, they are required to take both the Graduate Record Examination (GRE) and the Law School Admission Test (LSAT). Psychology and law students are enrolled concurrently in PGSP and GGUSL, taking courses at both institutions for a total of six years, plus a one-year psychology internship. Since this is an integrated joint program, students will be able to complete the requirements for both degrees in significantly less time than if they were to pursue each degree separately. Emphasis in the first year is on course work at GGUSL and in the second year, at PGSP. Students must complete a psychology internship in an approved setting and a doctoral dissertation. Students who complete the program are eligible for licensure as a psychologist, subject to the postdoctoral statutory requirements in each jurisdiction, and for admission to the bar. The Joint J.D.-Ph.D. Program has three major purposes: To develop psychologists who can perform sophisticated social science research to assist the legal system in making better empirically based decisions; To educate highly trained clinicians who can contribute to the advancement of forensic psychology; To produce attorney-psychologists who can participate in the development of data-based mental health policy in the legislature and the courts. We appreciate your interest in our new joint program in psychology and the law. If you would like additional information or have further questions about the program, please contact admissions at (650) 843-3419 or (800) 818-6136.
The Sage Colleges
The field of forensic psychology focuses on the provision of psychological services within the justice system. An emerging specialty within psychology, it is closely allied with and draws upon the knowledge bases of sociology, criminal justice, and the law. The M.A. program in forensic psychology at Sage Graduate School is designed to train practitioners to provide psychological services in criminal and civil justice and mental health settings, and in corrections. These services include the evaluation and treatment of adjudicated offenders and crime victims, the management and treatment of persons committed under mental hygiene statutes, and consultation to police and correctional services personnel. Persons jointly trained in psychology and the workings of the justice system are called upon to inform decision makers and provide rehabilitation and treatment services to enable the safe return of incarcerated offenders to society. In this era of heightened concern about public safety, forensic psychology is a growing field for employment. Note: the statutes for licensure and independent practice as a psychologist in New York State currently require an earned doctoral degree in psychology from an accredited institution. The M.A. program in forensic psychology qualifies one to function as a practitioner in agency and institutional settings, or under the supervision of a licensed psychologist. Program Design and Requirements The Master of Arts program, designed for those with some background in psychology and/or criminal justice, requires 45 credits, 27 in the forensic core and 18 in support courses in psychology. Included in the program are the domains of knowledge and skill acquisition which we consider requisite for a master’s degree in forensic psychology. These include: an understanding of the theories and applications within the field, a knowledge of counseling theories and applications, of psychological testing and its application to legal questions and settings, of theories of consultation and education, and skill development specifically relevant to forensic settings. Thus, this program includes three courses in the theory and practice of forensic psychology, two assessment courses, three counseling courses, abnormal psychology, and two different situated internships. Other requirements include two courses in community psychology, a research methods course, and a final project. An understanding of the role and importance of the community and institutional structures of both the legal and mental health systems is fundamental to forensic psychology.
Two required community courses provide this knowledge base and the skills necessary for interaction and intervention within such structures. A strong background in research methodology is essential for any master’s program in psychology and the Behavior Research Methods course fulfills this criterion. As with all other master’s programs at Sage Graduate School, the Research Seminar or optional Thesis provides a culminating experience. Admission Requirements Applicants for admission to the forensic psychology program must meet the general admission requirements: completed application for admission, official transcripts of ALL previous undergraduate/graduate study, two letters of recommendation (academic or professional), satisfactory “Personal Prospectus” statement regarding rationale for interest in the program, and a current resume. An interview with the Program Director is strongly suggested. Applicants who meet all admission requirements, including prerequisites, will be admitted as regular graduate students. Those who do not fully meet the requirements may be admitted on a provisional basis if they show high promise for success in the program. Prerequisites Students will be required to enter the Master’s in Forensic Psychology program with some background in criminal justice or law and psychology. Prerequisites include the following courses (or their equivalents): Introduction to Criminal Justice, Criminology, Social Science Statistics, History and Systems of Psychology (for non-psychology majors), Developmental Psychology and Personality. The Introductory Criminal Justice and Criminology courses are required as foundations for the Introduction to Forensic Psychology course. The Statistics course is required for the Behavior Research Methods course. The remaining psychology courses must be completed prior to or within the first 15 credits taken in the program. Applicants are encouraged to speak with the Graduate Program Director before registering for program prerequisites. Forensic Psychology Program Summary Credit Hours Forensic Core Courses: 9 PSY 505 Introduction to Forensic Psychology 3 PSY 530 Working with Forensic Populations 3 PSY 532 Current Topics in Forensic Psychology 3 Psychology Support Courses: 18 PSY 551 Introduction to Community Psychology 3 PSY 555 Group Counseling 3 PSY 562 Community Mental Health 3 PSY 571 Counseling 3 PSY 575 Abnormal Psychology 3 PSY 588 Counseling Applications 3 Methods and Assessment Courses: 9 PSY 563 Behavior Research Methods 3 PSY 572 Psychological Assessment 3 PSY 531 Forensic Assessment 3 Internships: 6 PSY 533 Community Internship 3 PSY 534 Institutional Internship 3 Final Project (choose one): 3 PSY 589 Thesis or PSY 590 Research Seminar 3 Total Credit Hours Required: 45
Sam Houston State University
Forensic clinical psychological training at Sam Houston State University is somewhat different from the definition provided above. Our emphasis is on clinical psychological skills applied in the criminal justice system. This is so primarily because of the pressing need for competent clinical psychologists working within the criminal justice sytem. Additionally, because our program is a cooperative venture between the Department of Psychology in the College of Education and Applied Science and the College of Criminal Justice, we are deeply committed to the criminal justice needs of the State of Texas and the nation. Until the Forensic Clinical Psychology Training Program at Sam Houston State University was approved, the Criminal Justice College offered the only Ph.D. program at Sam Houston. Moreover, the Ph.D. in Criminal Justice was available nowhere else in the State. Sam Houston State University was chosen to house the State’s only doctoral program in criminal justice largely because the Texas Department of Criminal Justice–one of the largest penal systems in the world–is headquartered in Huntsville, Texas, the home of Sam Houston State.
The same reasons which compelled selection of Sam Houston as the situs for criminal justice training militated for choosing Sam Houston as the home for forensic clinical psychological training. The opportunity for collaboration with a well-established Ph.D. program of national prominence in criminal justice further strengthened Sam Houston State University’s position. As a clinical psychology training program, the program requires the kind of coursework in clinical and other areas within psychology typical of most clinical training programs. Because of its focus on the criminal justice system, forensic clinical training at Sam Houston includes emphases on the usual criminal competencies (e.g., to: stand trial, proceed pro se, confess, be executed) and mental states of culpability (e.g., insanity, diminished capacity). The program also offers broad training in offender therapies. Finally, students are provided opportunities to specialize in criminal justice personnel psychology (e.g., counseling police officers, critical incident stress debriefing).
The program is designed for full time enrollment ONLY, as the rigors of clinical training are not amenable to weekend or evening, part-time study. This program is NOT designed to provide training in criminal profiling or other law enforcement investigative techniques. Sam Houston State University’s location provides easy access to various forensic clinical training opportunities through criminal justice agencies nearby. The Houston metropolitan area is one hour to the south. Austin, the State Capital, is located about two hours to the west. The Dallas/Fort Worth metroplex is approximately three hours to the north.